Salomè aka SFOCAT

SfoCAT was born from an optical experiment by La Caterva. In fact, sfocato in Italian means blurred. Salome “the clumsy” wants you all to believe that you have suddenly become astigmatic… Actually, you can still see very well: it is only she who doesn’t want to be in focus! blurred/bləːd/ adjective unable to see or […]

Salomè aka ZUCCAT


“Zucca” in Italian means pumpkin, but also head. It’s Halloween time and Salome took the opportunity to celebrate for La Caterva, turning herself into a zucCAT. Her helpfulness proved commendable… the minute the wick was lit, the dandy would have made a mess! pumpkin

Salomè aka PAWNYWISE


La Caterva made another exception to the CAT rule, with this disturbing representation of PAWnywise. Salome’s innate vocation for horror makes her impeccable in this macabre clown disguise. The “bloody” moustache painted with tomato sauce, the fake rabbit teeth and the red balloon make her identical to the Bob Grey from “IT”, the famous novel […]


Federico Felino

Federico Felino is one of the rare characters of La Caterva that are an exception to the use of the root CAT. The license is demanded by Elias “the dandy” himself, eager to play the great Italian director. Hoping also to play the role of Marcello Mastroianni in the famous scene of the Trevi Fountain, […]

Elias aka KAFCAT


Always passionate about good literature, La Caterva convinces Elias “the dandy” to pay tribute to KafCAT. On the condition of playing the part of the cockroach in “The Metamorphosis”, Elias agrees to interpret both the famous writer and his work, proving once again his skill worthy of the OsCAT prize. Franz Kafka

Salomè alias PICATCHU

If you don’t want to be electrocuted on the spot, La Caterva recommends that you stay away from this dreadful PoCATmon. With PiCATchu, Salome “the clumsy” gives free rein to her contagious energy. That’s why you have to be careful not to overcharge her! Pikachu

Salomè aka JIGPAW


La Caterva is not content to explore the commonplaces and goes into horror. Salome “the clumsy” was asked to play the part of the puppet in the cult movie JigPAW. With the help of papier-mâché and a red marker, Salomè turns into a fearsome cat. Ready to play her macabre games with poor Elias… Jigsaw

Elias aka AL CATONE

Al Catone

Like the most feared mafia boss and authentic symbol of gangsterism, Elias “the dandy” wanders the streets of NY. Armed, with a white Panama hat and cleverly disguised as Al CATone “CATface”. Elias’ difficulty was not so much that of making himself credible in the role of the gangster, as that of expressing the correct […]

Elias aka CATULLO


Prestigious exponent of Latin literature, Elias “the dandy” rediscovers himself as an illustrious poet. That is CATullus, unparalleled for the intensity of his love passions. Runner-up in the Caterva Instagram League, third place in the Facebook League, Catullus stands out on the podium with his golden lyre and laurel wreath. Catullus


Cat King Cole

Really unforgettable our Elias “the dandy” in the role of CAT king Cole. An avid smoker of cigarettes, with his white hat and jazzy soul, he immediately evokes the charming atmosphere of the Fifties. La Caterva believes he has the potential to inspire entire generations of cats. Nat King Cole