Elias aka CATUSO

We enter the sports world of recent years with this extraordinary interpretation of Italian footballer CATuso by Elias “the dandy”. On the football pitch he did not disappoint his fans and La Caterva scores another goal! Rino Gattuso
Elias aka CATARRO

Drawing inspiration from human illness during the long, inclement winters, Elias “the dandy” invents another “pure” character for La Caterva. CATarrh is realistic and popular, able to enter the collective imagination for its universally shared dimension! catarrh/kəˈtɑː/ noun excessive discharge or build-up of mucus in the nose or throat, associated with inflammation of the mucous […]

CATatonic is the first of the “pure” characters interpreted by Elias “the dandy”. This time, not having to deal with celebs, actors or singers, La Caterva introduces a typed character and therefore universal. A funny cosplay suitable for every situation. catatonic/katəˈtɒnɪk/ adjective PSYCHIATRYrelating to or characterized by catatonia.“catatonic schizophrenia” INFORMALof or in an immobile or […]
Salomè aka VODCAT

With vodCAT, Salome “the clumsy” begins a minimalist and experimental research, giving birth to the first object of La Caterva. Thanks to her creative flair, her versatile skills and a naive vision of the world, Salome is the perfect kitten to reinterpret everyday objects with remarkable credibility. vodka
Elias & Salomè in THE GREAT CATSBY

La Caterva enters the atmosphere of the “purring twenties”. Elias “the dandy” and Salome “the clumsy” are featured in this extraordinary interpretation of The Great CATsby by Francis CAT Fitzgerald. The couple exhibits an irresistible class: note the decorative feather of her headgear and his walking cane. A true old-fashioned gentleCAT. The Great Gatsby
Salomè aka CAT MOSS

Salome “the clumsy” comes back into the spotlight. In the role of supermodel CAT Moss – muse of the great designer CAT Lagerfeld – she is acclaimed on red carpets all over the world. To enter the part, Salome overcame herself by losing 2 hectograms. By reaching the ideal shape, she has become the sex […]

Here’s Elias “the dandy” in a trendy version as CAT Lagerfeld. Charming more than ever, he puts himself to the test in the fashion industry, reaching the pinnacle of style. An impeccable Kaiser for La Caterva. Chapeau! Karl Lagerfeld
Salomè aka CATNEY LOVE

A proactive and enterprising kitten, Salome “the clumsy” proves her great performing skills. This excellent interpretation of CATney Love is a valid response to Elias “the dandy” ‘s CAT Cobain, the most famous rockstar of La Caterva. Courtney Love
Elias aka CAT COBAIN

Probing the grunge music scene of the 90s, Elias “the dandy” opens the doors to the “horde” of aliases. CAT Cobain is the first of his disguises and milestone for La Caterva. Kurt Cobain