Elias and Salome meet MORGANA

Intent on engaging reading, Elias and Salome conjure up arcane powers that will change their lives forever…
Elias and Salome in MEOWDL

Salome takes up online shopping, a victim of media bombardment of the latest trends. Elias enjoys himself, unaware that the bank account to be drained will be his own. Grand finale of the series: ‘Do not open that door’ !
Elias and Salome in CATBULL

La Caterva explores the Horatian theme of CARPE DIEM. Elias urges Salome to enjoy the fleeting time, not disdaining adjuvant substances…
Elias and Salome in T-REX

The cartoon is inspired by a fact that actually happened to the humans of La Caterva who, unaware of the new regulations of their City Council, collected a series of fines in just one month. Crossing the stop line with a scooter (without running a red light or blocking traffic) has never been considered dangerous […]
Paranormal Cativity

Dedicated to those who share the bedroom with their cats, especially on Halloween night! Pump up the volume at your own risk… https://www.lacaterva.com/wp-content/uploads/paranormal_cativity_web.mp4

Elias “the dandy” imagines the heir of famous Cat Lagerfeld as the perfect ambassador for La Caterva. But just when the opportunity seems to arise, Salome messes up again…

CATilde di Canossa is one of the most important figures of the Italian Middle Ages. In a period of continuous battles, intrigues and excommunications, she demonstrated extraordinary strength and an innate aptitude for leadership. No one better than Salome could have played the part, thanks to her firm ladylike temperament that makes her the Grancontess of […]
Salome aka CATSANDRA

Like CATsandra, Salome has always been able to predict the future and to foretell the worst, especially because she is the one who gives rise to the most terrible disasters! La Caterva systematically underestimates her and then ends up suffering the consequences of its own obtuse disbelief! Elias “the dandy” knows something about it, he […]

One midnight, Elias “the dandy” finds himself catapulted into the Paris of the 1920s and all its cultural fervour. The encounter with CAT Fitzgerald, PiCATso and the entourage of that time, turn Midnight in Paris into a surreal moment and Elias into the blond and charming PAWen Wilson, acclaimed by the whole Caterva. Owen Wilson

A very charming Elias “the dandy” with purple glasses and goatee plays Robert PAWney Jr. After the successful performance of Captain AmeriCAT, La Caterva incites Elias to play the role of Iron Cat. But before accepting the challenge and playing the character, the dandy preferred to familiarize himself with the actor! Robert Downey Jr