Elias “the dandy” in the role of Leonardo di CATrio receives the Oscat as best leading actor of La Caterva. Already acclaimed as a wolf (of Wall Street), Di Catrio has won the most prestigious award. On the occasion of the national day of the cat, he dedicates his trophy to the 7.5 million nonconformist […]
By showing exceptional awareness of the environment and following all the debates on eco-sustainability, Elias “the dandy” has become completely plasticised. The whole Caterva is united around PlastiCAT and his cause, with the exception of Salomè “the clumsy”, who didn’t miss the opportunity to use her versatile partner as a bag for her daily shopping! […]
Unable to resist the call of the glittering gold jumpsuit, Elias “the dandy” performs a controversial portrayal of singer CATille Lauro at the Sanremo Festival. To the general astonishment of La Caterva and the declared disgust of Salome “the clumsy”, the dandy has commented to the press: “I don’t care”! Achille Lauro
Salomè aka MOSCAT
A true lover of David Cronenberg’s masterpieces, Salomè “the clumsy” offers La Caterva another excellent hybrid disguise: mosCAT (“mosca” means fly in Italian). Master in arousing loathing with her monstrous physiognomy, but also skilful in downplaying it, she is undoubtedly the queen of disgust. Thus, to the “compound” eyes, she adds a threatening swatter to complete […]
Get ready with a dose of insulin for this sweet interpretation of Elias “the dandy” in the role of CATton Candy !! Properly backcombed, the dandy won the first prize in the field of desserts for La Caterva. Will Salome be able to resist such gluttony? cotton candy
Elias & Salomè in CATNAM STYLE
As a tribute to the popular Korean singer Psy, La Caterva dances to the rhythm of CATnam Style. With the bold horse-riding move, the two unanimously gain a well-deserved standing ovation! Elias is honored to be called “oppa” by Salome, meaning “big brother” or “lover” in Korean. Psy in Gangnam Style

David PAWie is yet another symbol of feline emancipation and nonconformity, typical of the entire Caterva. While the horde praises a lifestyle all “Rebel – Rebel”, Elias “the dandy”, with the lightning bolt painted on his right eye and a blue contact lens, proclaims himself the thin white “duCAT”! David Bowie
Salomè aka OCAT

“Oca” in Italian means goose and is also synonymous with silly girl. Salome “the clumsy” in the role of OCAT is ironically wearing this funny cosplay to please Elias’ sarcasm, who often treats her like a fool. Actually, Salome is always a step ahead, versatile and capable of the most eccentric performances, like this singular […]

“Cap” is the most emblematic exponent of an elite team. He is the fulcrum around which other superheroes can express their abilities and to whom the children of the earth can rely to fulfill their mission: to become bilingual! La Caterva proudly presents Elias “the dandy” in the role of superhero Captain AmeriCAT as well […]

A heretic rap dream, that of Elias “the dandy” playing CATarezza, a cynical, acute and unconventional genius. Like an irreverent prophet, Catarezza fears no rivals in terms of hairstyle and desecrating prose. He is the only of the entire Caterva able to emancipate himself from the “Confusianism” that characterises our time. Habemus CATa ! Caparezza