To La Caterva’s disappointment, Elias “the dandy” didn’t win the osCAT as best actor in the role of Vincent CATsel. Maybe he would have had a better chance if he had played the role of CATalie Portman… Vincent Cassel

Snake Plissken’s most masterful interpretation is offered to us by Elias “the dandy” as shady CAT Russell. A well-known film character born of the inspiration of John CATpenter and Nick CATsle, he is the most threatening and cynical anti-hero of La Caterva. Kurt Russell
Elias aka OSCAT

At the ACATemy Awards, La Caterva awarded several OsCATs to Elias “the dandy”. Winner as Best Actor in the roles of CAT Russell and Vincent CATsel, as well as Best Director as Federico Felino. the Oscar
Elias aka CATONE

Let’s go into history with this amiable interpretation of CATo the Censor by Elias “the dandy”. Decorated with laurel as in classical iconography, the feline censors (and often destroys) anything within reach of his sharp protruding tooth. Cato the Censor
Elias & Salomè by CAT HARING

La Caterva enters the world of art with this magnificent tribute to CAT Haring, published on Valentine’s Day 2018. Admire the effort of Elias “the dandy” and Salome “the clumsy”, who have squashed themselves into two dimensions, beyond the traditional means of expression. Keith Haring, Love each other
Elias & Salomè in BATCAT

Paladins of the night and crime-fighting activists, Elias “the dandy” and Salome “the clumsy” speed through CATham City on their CATmobile. Meet the superheroes BatCAT and Toebean. They are the most shady and elusive aliases of La Caterva. You will never be able to uncover their secret identities! Batman & Robin
Elias aka CATODICO

CAThode continues the series of objects by La Caterva. This time, Elias “the dandy” has tuned into product design, playing a 1950s TV set. cathode-ray tube TV
Elias & Salomè in CATANIA

CATania is a tribute of Elias “the dandy” and Salome “the clumsy” to the Sicilian city. Respectively in the role of the famous elephant and the ornament at the top of the fountain, the two felines have challenged each other to immobility for hours. La Caterva is proud of them! Catania, Fountain of the Elephant
Elias aka CATORCIO

CATorcio in Italian stands for total wreck. It is the most docile character interpreted by Elias “the dandy”. Constantly bullied by CATivo, he is pitied by La Caterva. His spoiled moustache, the patch and his battered appearance are evidence of his existential discomfort. wreck/rɛk/ noun the destruction of a ship at sea; a shipwreck. something […]
Elias aka CATIVO

CATivo (cattivo means bad or villain) is another “pure” character of La Caterva. As fierce with the strong as well as merciless with the weak. He prefers among his opponents the poor CATorcio, an innocent victim of his fearsome raids. Elias “the dandy” is able to alternate two such antithetical roles with undeniable mastery. villain/ˈvɪlən/ […]